I have to say that this bouquet was defiantly my favorite on so far! It had so much color and cheer to it. It fit in quite well with the lemons and limes that I sliced and put into the bottoms of the vases. The wedding was outside in a beautiful garden in Payson. I love to come to the weddings and see it all put together and then I add the final touch The Flowers, it is so fulfilling to me!
This arrangement was for the food table, but they did not have it set up yet so my picture did not turn out as planed.
I did these Large arrangement's for a bride who needed backdrop flowers for her ceremony in a catholic church so I did the tall one in the middle and then two of the shorter ones on the side. I was not able to deliver them to the actual church so I could not see exactly how they turned out on site, so I just hurried and took some pictures at home. The bride did not have a large budget on these so I used a lot of greenery and some inexpensive flowers that went with her color scheme.